Events & News

The Straits Times, Thursday, October 8th 2015

The Straits Times carried a feature announcing that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Tomas Lindahl, Aziz Sancar, and Paul Modrich for their work in mapping out how cells repair damaged DNA.

The instructions for growing an organism—you, for example—are contained in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, which is stored in the nucleus of every cell in your body. DNA contains a genetic code that tells each cell what type of cell to become and what to do with itself. The genetic code isn’t written in letters or digits; it’s written in chemicals. The four bases that spell out your genome are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. All the complex instructions for your body’s development can be spelled out with different sequences of these four molecules.

Source : The straits times
What caught my attention was that one of the winners, Tomas Lindahl is from the Francis Crick Institute. Francis Crick whose field was in Genetics & Molecular Biology,  together with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for solving the structure of DNA. 

What is interesting is that an eminent person such as Francis Crick  is among many other  scientists who do not hold to biblical creationism, but  criticize major aspects of Darwinian evolution and propose that Intelligence must be behind the universe. It is men like Crick  who silence the evolutionists who promote the myth that most if not all critics of Darwinian evolution are religious fanatics from the nut brigade.

It would be interesting to know the position of Tomas Lindahl on evolution. Hopefully, we should be able to add his name to the list that bust this myth too! Click here to view the list.
Evolution's Achille's Heels 

This is a study and discussion session based on Evolution's Achilles's Heels ( EAH) DVD . You can catch the official trailer on YouTube  and its accompaniment study guide as developed by Creation Ministries International (CMI)

Its purpose is to help Christians develop a deeper understanding of creation as given in Genesis 1-11 and be equipped to share and discuss the claims and arguments used against it .

About the Facilitator

Mr Kon Kee Gui, Ph.D (Agronomy ) worships at Calvary Chapel Singapore . He is the secretary of the Singapore Friends of Creation Ministries International (CMI) and a Bronze and Silver medallion recipient from Koinonia Institute, Coeur d'Alene, Idah, USA. Click here to register

 Other ongoing courses
Click on the image on the left to view a list of other ongoing courses to equip a Chrisitan on the topic of evolution conducted by Creation Ministries International.

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