Myth #1 Busted

Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape. 
Humans don't seem very satisfied. There is always something else they feel they need. Where are they trying to get to? On the other hand, most apes are quite content. If I were to apply some home-spun logic to the theory of evolution, then I would logically have to believe that apes evolved from man.

If evolution means that a species changes to improve itself, it seems more logical that humans would grow hair to keep warm, reduce their diet to the most nutritious foods, eliminate high mortgages by adapting to the outdoors, and do away with money, complex governments, saying what you don't mean, war, stress, traffic congestion, and genocide (which occurs when you let other members of your species needlessly starve). Apes have accomplished all this.

Apes, by evolving from man, have "created" a more workable and more sane life-style. If the ultimate aim in a more advanced society is for peace and equity, then those who evolved into the ape species have certainly surpassed their forbears of the human species.

Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape. 
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Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape. 
Humans don't seem very satisfied. There is always something else they feel they need. Where are they trying to get to? On the other hand, most apes are quite content. If I were to apply some home-spun logic to the theory of evolution, then I would logically have to believe that apes evolved from man.

If evolution means that a species changes to improve itself, it seems more logical that humans would grow hair to keep warm, reduce their diet to the most nutritious foods, eliminate high mortgages by adapting to the outdoors, and do away with money, complex governments, saying what you don't mean, war, stress, traffic congestion, and genocide (which occurs when you let other members of your species needlessly starve). Apes have accomplished all this.

Apes, by evolving from man, have "created" a more workable and more sane life-style. If the ultimate aim in a more advanced society is for peace and equity, then those who evolved into the ape species have certainly surpassed their forbears of the human species.

Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape. 
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Scientific Fact - Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory is Wrong - See more at:
Scientific Fact - Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory is Wrong - See more at:
Myth #1 - Man Descended From Apes 

Scientific Fact #1 - Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory Wrong

A simple search on Google will show polls indicate that there are a vast number of unhappy people in the world, even among economically developed countries. On the other hand, most apes are quite content. If I were to apply some home-spun logic to the theory of evolution, then I would logically have to believe that apes evolved from man.

You see, if evolution means that a species evolve to improve itself, it seems more logical that humans would grow body hair to keep warm, reduce their diet to the most nutritious foods, eliminate housing debts by adapting to living outdoors, do away with money, traffic congestion, genocide, corrupt politicians & complex governments. Apes have accomplished all of this!

Apes, have a more workable and sane life-style. If the ultimate aim in a more advanced society is for 'progress', then those who evolved into the ape species have certainly surpassed their forbears of the human species. Pass me a banana. I want to be an ape! (1)

Secondly, if evolution worked through natural selection by eliminating the inferior species while the stronger, better-adapted ones thrive, then common sense tells me there wouldn’t be any apes left, because we would have out-competed them. And just because we have similarities in structure to apes, doesn't mean they are our ancestors - it just means we have the same designer! The ridiculous theory of evolution, which is devoid of any scientific validity, is imposed in schools in many countries of the world, even though there are no man-apes and no ape-men. All that baloney you read about and see in pictures in today's biology textbooks come from the minds of misguided monkeys . No one has ever found  a skeleton of someone who is half ape and half human, but we have skeletons that is 100% ape and 100% human.

The absence of transitional forms is an insurmountable hurdle for  evolutionists

In 1859, in his book Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin wrote: “Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, (why) do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?”. This is from chapter six entitled Difficulties on the Theory.

Scientists who believe in the evolution theory  have been searching for transitional forms ever since but none  have been found because they dont exist ! Many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds.

All of them have since been exposed to be frauds. One of the  most widely published evolution fraud was committed in the UK where a skull presumably belonging to a missing link was presented to the world by Biologists, Scientists & Paleontologists. It was one of the greatest scientific hoax ever. 

If this big, fabricated work of fiction called evolution were true, then there should be numerous missing links dug up! If there were billions of years of evolution, we'd be up to our ears in missing links!  Scientists who believe in evolution have been searching for transitional forms ever since but NONE  have been not found.

More than 100 over years after Darwin, literally hundreds of millions of fossils have been extracted from all fossil-bearing rock strata and none of them are in "transitional forms" or missing links - they all obviously belong to a definite species! In fact, it is estimated that over 100,000 different, distinct species of fossils have been found with not a single skeleton of the 'missing link'! 

Here are four Darwin Busters:

Darwin Buster One: Darwinians have been dead wrong whenever they have claimed that the "genetic matter of ape and humans is 98% identical." The ape and human chromosomes are remarkably divergent and too different for "ape to human evolution" theory to adequately explain.  For example, the human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the chimpanzee Y chromosome and the chromosome structures are not at all similar.

Darwin Buster Two: There are laws of embryology that directly contradict "ape to human evolution."  One reason is that genes work together in teams to form body parts during embryonic development.  This makes it impossible to add genes to any genome because there is no way to coordinate any new gene with existing genes.  Yet "ape to human evolution" requires apes and humans to be able to add genes - for example, the chimpanzee Y chromosome has 37 genes and the human Y chromosome has at least 78 genes.

Darwin Buster Three: The laws of genetics prevent "ape to human evolution" from ever taking place.  One reason is there is no genetic mechanism that creates new genes.  But "ape to human evolution" relies on apes and humans having the ability to create new genes with new functions.  New genes are required in order to have morphological changes, such as gills into lungs or more efficient brains.  So called "gene duplication" is not evidence that organisms can create new genes.  Although bacteria can duplicate existing genes by mistake through "gene duplication," this only occurs in single sex bacteria and this is not evidence that apes and humans can create new genes with new functions.

Darwin Buster Four:  Darwinians have no explanation for why humans and apes have a different number of chromosomes.  Darwinians claim that "chromosome fusion" of two ape chromosomes into a single chromosome resulted in humans having only 23 pairs of chromosomes while apes have 24 pairs.  But there is not one example of "chromosome fusion" in mammals.  Darwinians claim that 1 in 1000 human babies have a "fused chromosome" but this is an out and out lie.  They are actually referring to Robertsonian Translocations, which are "translocations" and not fused chromosomes and does not result in a change in the chromosome number.  Besides, scientifically derived facts refute "chromosome fusion" can occur in apes or humans.

Source : Darwin Conspiracy

Scientific Fact - Species Without a Link Prove Evolution Theory is Wrong

The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution. This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic, and scientific proof.

Evolutionists line up pictures of similar-looking species and claim they evolved one from another. The human "family tree" is an example of this flawed theory. Petrified skulls and bones exist from hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture.

This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes, elephants or the Platypus. (...) The pictures are simply a grouping of individual species that does not prove evolution.  Why do they claim the above discovery is "close to the missing link"? The answer is simple. Look at the picture on the left : It is a monkey. A monkey species that has become extinct. Lots of species have become extinct. Millions of species have become extinct.  It is obviously not similar to a human. Look at the feet with the big toe spread away from the smaller toes exactly like a modern chimpanzee, not like people. A newly discovered extinct species does not prove a "missing link" has been found.

Charles Darwin admitted that fossils of the transitional links between species would have to be found in order to prove his "Theory of Evolution." Well, these transitional links have never been found. We only find individual species. Evolutionists try to form these individual species into a link according to similar major features such as wings or four legs, but this simply proves the Theory of Evolution to be a fraud. Darwin was hopeful that future fossils would prove his theory correct, but instead, the lack of transitional links has proven his theory to be wrong.The presence of individual species actually proves they were not developed by an evolutionary process. If evolution were true, all plants, animals, and insects would be in a continual state of change. No two creatures would be identical, because they would not be separate species.

All life forms would be a continual blend of characteristics without a clear definition among the species. Everything would be changing, and every animal, insect, and plant would be different. All species are locked solidly within their DNA code.

Mumbo Jumbo 

** "It is not to be wondered at that in and during the 'childhood of races', men should be puzzled over the great secret of life. Knowing nothing, or next to nothing, regarding the great secret of the universe, evolution, they were naturally thrown back upon the assumed theory of special creations. Not possessing the 'golden key, the failed utterly to unlock the secrets of nature.
 Intuitively they believed in a future state of existence, but that existence was filled with the most wonderful and grotesque mass of absurdities which could be conceived. 

Gods and devils, hells and heavens, brimstone and fire, winged angels and cherubims, all with no visible means of support, peopled the unknown and illimitable space about us. The " bottomless pit" was well named, for it, like the entire system of fables, was " bottomless" indeed.Poor man! How thou hast tortured thyself in thy ignorance. An today, in this enlightened XIX Centuey, how much better is man's condition ? Some better, for the work of evolution has been going on staidly. " 

Wow! What intellectual enlightenment! What an exposition of deep mysteries! What profound insight! What a load of CRAP!  I am here to tell you that the above rendition  to substantiate the theory of evolution  is nothing but a hodgepodge of unintelligible, dubious,  intellectual gobbledygook!! Don’t ever feel inferior or put down by the intellectual vanity of writers like this, who fabricate words  and phrases that seem to imply only the educated or intellect can comprehend.

You will notice that the evolutionists have chosen some very long and difficult-to-pronounce names for their "missing-links", the foundation stones, or bones, on which their faith is built. Doing this sort of thing envelopes it all with a shroud of mystery and even puts a little superstitious awe into the minds of the average laymen. Like many other religious authorities, the high priests of the "sacred cow" of false-science has done this to give credence to their faith and to gain reverence for themselves!

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