Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Scientific Case Against Evolution

The Scientific Case Against Evolution
by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.

First of all, the lack of a case for evolution is clear from the fact that no one has ever seen it happen. If it were a real process, evolution should still be occurring, and there should be many "transitional" forms that we could observe. What we see instead, of course, is an array of distinct "kinds" of plants and animals with many varieties within each kind, but with very clear and -- apparently -- unbridgeable gaps between the kinds.

That is, for example, there are many varieties of dogs and many varieties of cats, but no "dats" or "cogs." Such variation is often called microevolution, and these minor horizontal (or downward) changes occur fairly often, but such changes are not true "vertical" evolution. Continue Reading 

Evolution is scientifically impossible

Why Evolution is scientifically impossible
Evolution is scientifically impossible

Life on earth did not start with a bolt of lightning striking a pond of water as claimed by evolutionists. Kids are taught that given enough time, a monkey at a typewriter could punch keys at random and eventually type Singapore's national anthem, the Gettysburg address, or a song by Elvis Presley... This is nonsense. Time does not make impossible things possible. To illustrate just how ridonkulous the theory of evolution is, imagine this: on the ground are all the materials needed to build a house (nails, boards, shingles, windows, etc.).

We tie a hammer to the wagging tail of a dog and let him wander about the work site for as long as you please, even millions of years. Evolutionists will tell you that the swinging hammer on the dog is likely to build a house as mutation-naturalselection is able to make a new working part in an animal. Absolutely ridonkulous!

People all over the world should educate themselves on the perils of the fabricated theory of evolution.We should arm ourselves with truth concerning man's origin for it has far reaching consequences if we remain ignorant on this subject.

Evolution Cleverly Disguised As Science

the origin of fake news,
Evolution Cleverly Disguised As Science

As a matter of practice, a fraud is much more likely to succeed if it appears to be validated by an authority. In general, one does not expect a professional in a field to concoct a hoax. Experience teaches that this expectation is not always met. We have all seen the iconic image like the one above and simply assumedthat there is solid scientific evidence to support it by eminent scientists.

We assumed there existed full and complete skeletons that anthropologists, paleontologists, etc had used to create the sketches that they presented to the world as fact. This is not the case. Genuine science is objective and invites scrutiny and investigation. It does not ridicule the critics of its conclusions, but instead silences their criticisms by setting forth the evidence from which those conclusions are drawn.

Genuine science seeks the truth that explains the observed evidence. It does not prejudice the investigation by ruling out, from the start, hypotheses that may very well provide the best explanation for the observed evidence.   Genuine science rejects any hypothesis that consistently fails to fit observed scientific evidence. It does not persistently assume that the fault lies in the evidence rather than in the hypothesis itself.

On all three counts, the commonly-accepted "Theory of Evolution" fails the test of being scientific.(by Mitch Cervinka, M.A. Mathematics)

Friday, September 20, 2019

For thou art monkey, and unto monkey thou shalt return

for thou art monkey and unto monkey thou shall return
For thou art monkey, and unto monkey thou shalt return..

According to evolution, today's plant and animal species are all merely transitional forms, part of an endless chain of life whose links are gradually evolving into more advanced stages. For this reason Darwin regarded the classification "species" as "a mere useless abstraction" and "as one arbitrarily given for the sake of convenience."

This is in direct contradiction to Yahweh God's Word which states that all living creatures were created "after their kind" with the ability to bring forth seed, or fruit, "after their Kind." (Gen. 1) Now this word "kind" is the old King James translation of the Hebrew word "min", which today's scholars have translated to mean "species" So today's living creatures are not the result of some sort of transmutation of species, but definite set species! Not natural selection, but Yahweh God's selection! Not evolutionary adaptations, but Yahweh God's Creations!

We never heard yet or they never proved yet that any dog ever became a cat or a cat a dog! There are all kinds of dogs and all kinds of cats, but there are no dog-cats or no cat-dogs! Because Yahweh God created everything "after its own kind" and they can't possibly get out of that kind. They may vary within their kind or specie, but they'll never change into another! It's impossible!

These facts even disturbed Darwin, who questioned, "Why, if species have descended from the other species by fine gradation, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion, instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?" The answer to Charles' question is simple! All he had to do was read Genesis Chapter One and he could have known that species have not descended from other species, but were created by Yahweh God in orderly, set "kinds"--and that's why all nature is not in confusion!  Continue Reading 

Atheists claim to be logical but they are actually blindly emotional

origin of species, richard dawkins, the god delusion, the missing link
There is iron on Mars, and probably on some other planets. But you cannot make steel from iron without fire and you cannot have fire on Mars, or other planets. Here is why:

Did you know that our Earth’s atmosphere is absolutely perfect for having STABLE FIRES? Fire needs oxygen to burn and if our atmosphere had just one percentage less oxygen, fire would not burn and humankind would not have been able to make fires. But also, if our atmosphere had just one percentage more oxygen, fires would burn out of control.

The Earth’s atmosphere is perfect for us in every way. All of this is just a part of the many gifts from our Creator God (Yahweh)  we take for granted. So let’s all admit it: If Earth did not have most of the above Divine Gifts, man would have perished from the Earth long ago.

Of course atheists would think that all of this is nonsense, mainly because atheists have an emotional attachment in this type of debate because they hate the very thought that there is a power higher than themselves. Atheists claim to be logical but they are actually blindly emotional whenever it comes to the presence of our Creator God (Yahweh). But we suggest we should all look at this logically. Logically speaking, there are just two possibilities. Either the Divine Gifts are provided by Creator God (Yahweh), or the gifts came here by CHANCE. Is there any evidence that Mother Earth’s Divine Gifts came about by chance? Let’s go down that line of reasoning and see where it leads us. Continue Reading