
Greetings & Welcome

I am a layman & believe that we are all endowed with various degrees of logic and common sense (sensus communis)  to perceive, understand, and judge issues which affect our lives. I do not claim to comprehend all the deep scientific evidence that exposes Darwin's theory as a lie, but enough to understand that evolution is a ridiculous theory that has been given too much respect by too many people for too long. Articles such as Debunking Evolution in plain language for non scientists helped me alot in my research. I believe it is possible to rebut the theory of evolution as unreasonable & unscientific as a layman although I am mindful of the fact that intellectuals can be offended by common sense.

The more I examined the theory of evolution objectively, the more loopholes I found. For example, absolutely no respected scientist would claim that these rather simple earlier phones evolved by random mutation or by 'natural selection ' Therefore, it makes no scientific or logical sense for someone to decide that there was no intelligence involved in the creation of all the phone models leading to the smart phones we have today.

origin of hocus pocus

Or take a tree. It provides breathable oxygen for us while processing carbon dioxide, which would in high amounts in the air be toxic to us. It supplies wood, housing for birds, roots to limit erosion, fruit and seeds to eat, is biodegradable and gives shade. A healthy tree provides a cooling effect that is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. How could something so complex arise from a random, undirected evolutionary process?

This site was built to share my journey on how I was brought to examine the theory of Evolution made popular by Charles Darwin and how I believe this theory to be an absolute hoax through evidence from common sense as well as scientific evidence from non christian, secular scientists .

*The particles-to-apes-to-human theory of evolution is ubiquitous on many circles in society. It has made a great impact, so far as education and the media are concerned - however, it is still only a theory and has never been proved as a science. Sadly, many people confuse science with a mere theory and allow themselves into thinking that the repeated ideology of evolution is science.

Common sense tells us that if the theory of evolution were true, there should be a large number of fossils of transitionary species - these are the ' missing links' of the ape to human theory. Evolutionist need fossils showing a gradual development of lower animal life into the more complex human to establish that men is the result of evolutionary processes over millions of years.

Unfortunately for the evolutionists these fossils have never been found. Darwin made a statement that in the future many of the missing links MUST be found otherwise it would tear his theory apart. "As by this theory innumerable transitional forms ("links") must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?... The number of intermediate and transitional links between all living and extinct species must have been inconceivably great." Well, guess what? - the missing links are still missing!

When they could not be found (because they dont exist) the theory of evolution was found to be false. That should have been the end of story. But evolutionists were unwilling to admit themselves wrong & continued to justify their loopholes through pseudoscience, fancy words and drawings of imaginary creatures, convincing & deceiving many along the way. Sadly, it is easier to fool people into believing the evolution lie than to convince them they have been fooled.

But if evolution is false, why does it continue to have so many adherents? Darwin claimed that great and glorious man evolved himself from apes. But to claim an ape as your ancestor would be a joke and a terrible insult to anyone. How then could eminent scientists all over the world continue to claim we came from monkeys and get away with it? Here are some reasons :

The Big Lie

Dan Macmillan
Hitler said that if you tell a lie for the purpose of propaganda, tell a big one! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth.

Hitler was a master of manipulating large numbers of people. He intuitively understood that if you simply tell a lie, people who know (or find out) the truth will easily reject it. But if you tell a huge, enormous lie that is blatantly false, and repeat it over and over, people eventually will question their own ability to properly process the information, and they will come to believe it.

In recent times, despite their being little consensus on how evolution allegedly occurred, evolutionists have tried to convince the public of the supposed validity of the evolutionary position by frequently using the term "overwhelming evidence" or similar terms in relation to the alleged existence of evidence that supports their position. For example, the modern-day fierce advocate for evolution & atheism Richard Dawkins claimed in an interview with journalist Bill Moyers that there is "massive evidence" for the theory of evolution. (evolution & cases of fraud & speculation)

Evolution & The Holocaust
So, as the lie continues to be repeated and reinforced many will believe it with great force -- even when subsequently confronted with indisputable facts to the contrary. And as more people around them believe it, it becomes even more entrenched inside them (and also more difficult to resist the urge to conform). This might explain why scientists work so hard to sell the public a theory which they themselves believe to be flawed & continue with their efforts to keep the evolution story on a form of intellectual life support. Source 

As Dr Jonathan Sarfati also explains in his DVD presentation Evolution and the Holocaust, it was actually evolutionary ideas permeating Germany that paved the way for its descent into unspeakable brutality.

People all over the world should educate themselves on the perils of the fabricated theory of evolution.We should arm ourselves with truth concerning man's origin for it has far reaching consequences if we remain ignorant on this subject.

2. Evolution Cleverly Disguised As Science

As a matter of practice, a fraud is much more likely to succeed if it appears to be validated by an authority. In general, one does not expect a professional in a field to concoct a hoax. Experience teaches that this expectation is not always met. We have all seen the iconic image like the one above and simply assumed that there is solid scientific evidence to support it by eminent scientists.

We assumed there existed full and complete skeletons that anthropologists, paleontologists, etc had used to create the sketches that they presented to the world as fact. This is not the case. Genuine science is objective and invites scrutiny and investigation. It does not ridicule the critics of its conclusions, but instead silences their criticisms by setting forth the evidence from which those conclusions are drawn.

Genuine science seeks the truth that explains the observed evidence. It does not prejudice the investigation by ruling out, from the start, hypotheses that may very well provide the best explanation for the observed evidence.

Genuine science rejects any hypothesis that consistently fails to fit observed scientific evidence. It does not persistently assume that the fault lies in the evidence rather than in the hypothesis itself.

On all three counts, the commonly-accepted "Theory of Evolution" fails the test of being scientific (by Mitch Cervinka, M.A. Mathematics)

3. It Appeals To Us

Every living thing in the world today decays and becomes less than it was previously. The theory of evolution with its iconic image of an ape evolving into a human portrays an impression of progress & success which appeals to men who constantly strive to be better - it makes it possible for us to age like fine bottles of wine, getting better with each passing year.

Millions of years seems to be the magic formula that casts all common sense aside. Millions of years makes the impossible, possible. Millions of years appears to be the academic equivalent of abracadabra.

4. Peer Pressure 

When asked to produce scientific evidence for the theory of evolution, many will appear totally blank. When pressed, most people will mumble something about how “most scientists believe it” and how that is good enough for them. This kind of anti-intellectualism even runs rampant among students. If you doubt this, just go to any college & start asking students why they believe in evolution. Very few of them will actually be able to give you any real reasons why they believe it. Most of them just have blind faith in their text books.

They so badly want to believe that it is true that they will go to extraordinary lengths & insist that the theory of evolution has been “proven”. Most average people are intimidated into accepting the theory of evolution because they don’t want to appear to be “stupid” to everyone else.

5. Fame & Funding

In an attempt to further their careers and justify the claims that evolution is a legitimate theory, many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds. The most widely published evolution fraud was committed in China in 1999, and published in in the National Geographic.

6. It Is Spiritual In Nature

Like communism, evolution seeks to destroy the notion that there is an Intelligent Designer. It is a tyrannical ideology, never composed for the sake of scientific discovery (as it was with Newton), but for the conquest of the world, the extermination of the helpless, the degeneration of human life, the enslavement of man under a select elite, and ultimately, the obliteration of Christianity. Proof of this is in the latest cover image of Richard Dawkin's Google + page. Why is it that only the Christian faith is mocked here and not any others? I bet even Dawkin's cant explain why but here's the reason: It is not Darwin vs Christianity or Richard Dawkins vs Christianity. It is our Adversary who was created to 'deceive the whole world that is behind the theory of evolution.

This is spiritual war. It is dark, sinister & powerful. It is the crafty god of this world blinding the minds of many intellectuals who professing themselves to be wise, became fools and in the process, misleading many into believing that there is no Intelligent Designer. The deception is so great and subtle that it has ensnared millions in the world, including church goers and even those in church leadership. Think about it for a minute, not only does Satan have a deception for every truth of the Bible, he has a counterfeit for it as well. Evolution is one of his biggest LIE.

Zero Evidence for Reason or Science

Folks, we did not descend from apes. Our DNA does not allow species to change from one kind into another. None do. Your DNA has the ability only to produce humankind. Fish only give birth to fishes after their kind. Apes only make apes after their kind. There is no information in our genes to pull off such a stunt. Those in the animal, bird and sea kingdom have the ability to adapt to their environment which can bring about some changes in their behaviour, but there is no observable evidence of a certain species changing into another kind. Watch this powerful video below and you'll know what I mean where teachers who teach evolution & students who believe in them are shred to bits!

This site is still a work in progress. If you find the objective of this site meaningful, you can be a part of it: write a comment, contribute an article, a sketch, a short testimony of your personal discovery or come up with your own suggestions. Contact us today, we'd love to hear from you!

Thank you & Shalom!
Dynamite Joe

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