Friday, August 16, 2019

Come Let Us Reason

Grand Metamorphosis: Yahweh God’s Signature

debunking evolution, evolution is not science ,
Darwin: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.”

The Monarch caterpillar has about 20 legs, chewing mouth parts, and NO reproductive organs, nothing even rudimentary. It cannot fly except between the tree limb and the ground before it hits.
Before its last molt, It hooks its hindmost legs to a branch, forms a hard chrysalis around itself, and powerful enzymes inside begin the process of dissolving the entire animal.

It then turns itself into soup.

Little buds of tissue, called imaginal buds, survive, floating in the soup that used to be the caterpillar. These little collections of tissue begin the process of generating an entirely new creature.
The brand new creature does not remotely resemble a caterpillar. It has six segmented legs, three separate body parts, head thorax, and abdomen, and is covered with tiny sensory hairs.
It obtains its nutrition from a proboscis, a long tube for sucking nectar, no trace of chewing mouth parts. It also has a gloriously beautiful set of fully functional wings after it pumps fluid into them from its abdomen.

It can fly.

Suppose you have a child which reaches puberty and then a radical mutation or mutations causes it to turn itself into soup.What would be the next mutation?You see there WOULDN’T BE a next mutation. 
That's it. You’re dead.

But what if just his/her head turns into soup? Still dead. Say just his/her legs? Still, death is inevitable. You get the idea. Nothing works unless everything works. The whole process has to be pre-programmed into the DNA of the tiny egg where it all began or there is no path between the two totally different creatures that any evolutionary process could survive.

Yahweh God's signature, written in glorious living color, on the butterfly’s wings.

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