Friday, September 20, 2019

The absence of transitional forms is an insurmountable hurdle for evolutionists

charles darwin, evolution, the theory of evolution, the god delusion, the missing links
In 1859, in his book Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin wrote: “Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, (why) do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?”. This is from chapter six entitled Difficulties on the Theory.

Scientists who believe in the evolution theory  have been searching for transitional forms ever since but none  have been found because they dont exist ! Many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would claim to be authentic finds.

All of them have since been exposed to be frauds. One of the  most widely published evolution fraud was committed in the UK where a skull presumably belonging to a missing link was presented to the world by Biologists, Scientists & Paleontologists. It was one of the greatest scientific hoax ever.  ( The Smithsonian )

If this big, fabricated work of fiction called evolution were true, then there should be numerous missing links dug up! If there were billions of years of evolution, we'd be up to our ears in missing links!  Scientists who believe in evolution have been searching for transitional forms ever since but NONE  have been not found.  More than 100 over years after Darwin, literally hundreds of millions of fossils have been extracted from all fossil-bearing rock strata and none of them are in "transitional forms" or missing links - they all obviously belong to a definite species! In fact, it is estimated that over 100,000 different, distinct species of fossils have been found with not a single skeleton of the 'missing link'!

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